11 August 2013

Raspberry banana super smoothie

So in case you're wondering why this space has been so dead for the better part of this year, rest assured that there's a very good reason! I was going to continue to keep mum about that reason but have decided that there's no point in hiding it anymore...quite simply, I'm pregnant and we're expecting our first child in mid-October! To say that we're excited would be an understatement, to say that I've been a bit too harried to blog would be a bigger understatement still. Generally speaking, I've had a very peaceful pregnancy thus far (knock on wood)...no morning sickness, no food aversions (or cravings really, except more of a sweet tooth than I've ever had in the past!), no extreme fatigue...none of that! I've been going about my routine as usual, though alternating between bouts of cooking as I normally would and some periods of laziness. Luckily Luis is a great cook and has been doing his part, and of course living here in Bangkok means that it's very convenient (and relatively cheap) to eat out or order food delivery. The main difference now...other than being too lazy to properly style, photograph and write about my culinary exploits...has been my natural concern about eating well and doing my best to make sure that I'm giving this baby the nutrients that he/she needs (yes we know the gender, but I'm not announcing that just yet...a girl has to have some secrets after all!).